Piracetam AL

Piracetam AL 1200 mg from ALIUD PHARMA GmbH & Co. The most popular piracetam, fast and easy without a prescription

Also called "intelligence stimulant", "miracle drug", "smart drug" and many more, it is one of the few amazing products in the field of nootropics (brain stimulants). Known for its incredible potential and at the same time scientifically proven complete health safety, it has many applications discovered in experiments by scientists both on humans and animals.

Piracetam - general information

At the beginning of the school year, many people think about how to improve their mental abilities. Students (as well as their parents) want to buy a magic pill that will solve any learning problems. Among these drugs, one can find Piracetam, a drug belonging to the nootropic group and historically the first of them.Nootropics are drugs and nutritional supplements that aim to improve memory, attention and other mental faculties and generally stimulate such activities in healthy people. According to the guidelines, he may be assigned to dizziness, impaired memory and learning, problems with blood flow to the brain, alcoholism, myoclonus (short and forced contraction or muscle relaxation or muscle groups), Alzheimer's disease, cognitive decline in the elderly , coma, and even sickle cell anemia (as part of combination therapy).

Almost all medicines are designed to treat any disease. Piracetam appeared in the distant 1973, the drug was positioned as a medicine for the treatment of the brain, namely: circulatory disorders, memory loss, Alzheimer's disease and others. It is a drug that potentially improves brain function and can be shown to be effective. Refers to a pyrrolidone derivative.

Is Piracetam effectiveL?

Yes, it is effective when there is brain stimulation, in other words - when you read / draw / think / study / solve problems, etc. For "acetylcholine" to be triggered, these actions are necessary, otherwise it will have no effect on anyone. If you stuff an ordinary man with steroids, put him on the couch and expect without him trying to get to the level of a professional bodybuilder, this is pointless. And now let us remember to whom most of the research of this product was conducted - on sick and elderly people. Do you really think they are learning something in parallel? Most likely they were watching TV or reading newspapers, there was no serious brain load - hence no acetylcholine.

Dosage, side effects, safety, how to take the product

This nootropic is relatively safe, is it to be said that its lethal dose is more than 0.5 kg. Salt, in this context, is more dangerous. Usually this product is taken at a dose of 800 mg in the morning, 800 mg at lunch, 400-800 mg in the evening. Some increase these numbers by 1.5-2 times. The course of taking 1.5-2 months, then the same rest, but which can be replaced by another class of nootropics. In case of renal insufficiency, Piracetam AL is not desirable.

What action does Piracetam have with other brain stimulants?

It has a so-called synergistic effect on almost all brain stimulants, ie. reinforce their action. It has been scientifically proven that a dose of it prior to taking modafinil, amphetamine, MDMA, LSD, 2CB or any other type of psychoactive substance almost doubles its effect, by 2 times the dose. This makes it a favorite of many people who use such stimulants. It is one of the wonders of the world and everyone who touches it knows it, but we advise you to always respect this drug, do not abuse it and overdose, because even by itself it is a very strong nootropic or brain stimulant and can to show its negative effects. Take Piracetam wisely, and everything else, of course!


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Безкомпромисен като действие и на достъпна цена

Пирацетам е бил използван от десетилетия като мозъчен стимулант. Той е един от първите от серията “рацетам”-и, които са разработени в историята на тази категория продукти и към този ден остава най-широко разпространения и с доказано действие. Изключително ефективен в повишаването на мозъчния капацитет и когнитивните му функции. * Подобрена умствена дейност * Много по-добра памет * Подобрена способност за учене * Феноменален фокус и концентрация * Повишена сензитивност и скорост на реакциите * Намалена физическа и мускулна умора Механизъм на действие на Пирацетам Механизмът на действие на пирацетам не е напълно разбран. Но изследвания показват че ефектът му върху биохимията на мозъка, невротрансмитерите и рецепторите му е несравнимо с нищо друго познато. Той не е нито седатив, нито стимулант, но влияе много върху когнитивните способности на мозъка. Пирацетам също така се смята че повишава количеството кислород в кръвта, най-вече в областта на мозъка, но това са само малка част от механизмите му на действие. Безопасност, толеранс и взаимодействие с други препарати Някой хора, които взимат пирацетам отчитат леки главоболия, както и гастроентерични проблеми и трудно заспиване, но това са доста редки случаи и се наблюдават при предозиране. Ако комбинирате пирацетам с лецитин или холин, те ще Ви спасят както от нежеланите действия на препарата. Така и ще упражнят синергистично действие върху пирацетама и ще го направят по-ефективен, подобрявайки мозъчната функция и забавяйки процеса на свикване с препарата. Пирацетам е доказано безвреден, безопасен за здравето, не е токсичен и почти няма наблюдавани странични ефекти.

Important information about Piracetam AL

Piracetam should be used with caution by people with severe hemorrhagic disorders, by patients with gastric ulcers, or with impaired hemostasis. The same applies after surgical procedures, including dental procedures, by patients receiving anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents. To be taken after consultation with a doctor in parallel administration of acetylsalicylic acid, even in small doses.

Abrupt cessation of treatment should be avoided in the treatment of cortical myoclonus as this may lead to relapse. Therefore, discontinuation of the drug is gradual.

In the case of sleep disorders, the instructions for use recommend removing the evening product intake, adding this dose to the daily intake.

Use in impaired renal function

Use with caution by patients with renal insufficiency. Current monitoring of renal function indicators is recommended if Piracetam is taken.

Delivery of Piracetam AL

Delivery is express, we process and ship your order immediately after confirmation and the whole process, together with reaching you is 24 hours, on working days (Monday to Friday). For more information on delivery value, visit our Delivery Terms page or FAQ.

Here are some of the proven benefits of using the product

1) Piracetam helps the brain in stroke patients

2) Injection of 12 mg piracetam before and after surgery has been shown to help identify and prevent neurodegeneration in patients with bypass.

3) Helps prevent neurodegeneration in alcoholism.

4)Piracetam helps against cognitive decline in the elderly.

5) Helps with depression.

6) Reduces the symptoms of involuntary movement (tardive dyskinesia) in patients with schizophrenia.

7) Piracetam helps with dyslexia - clinically proven.

8) Piracetam can protect against hearing loss. With Piracetam + Prednisone treatment, 65% of soldiers exposed to hearing-impaired weapons were able to retain their hearing.

9) Piracetam helps people with epilepsy. Patients suffering from (myoclonus) epilepsy show significant improvements at 1, 6 and 12 months of use.

10) Piracetam is an antithrombotic.

In the hamster experiment: it reduces thrombus formation at 8 mg / kg. 200 mg / kg reduce the formation of blood clots in rats. Piracetam indirectly prevents blood clotting through four sites of action: vessel wall, platelets, plasma and cell membranes.

What does piracetam actually do?

In itself, it is a nootropic - a brain stimulant and even in self-administration accelerates your mind's abilities several times, reduces fatigue and stress and gives limitless powers, and piracetam itself acts synergistically to all other nootropics, so it is often combined with modafinil - this is the combination of true professionals/p>

Piracetam doubles the effects of modafinil and taken in combination ... this is the cherry on the cake among brain stimulants. This combination will shoot you straight into space, giving you vast abilities of the mind, speed of reaction, remembering, and all processes related to the brain.

Can you imagine how time begins to flow more slowly, and for the time you swear to grab your coffee cup you can think of dozens of things. This is the explanation in the most simple and accessible language - and not time runs slower, but your mind cuts at times faster! Who doesn't want to be a superhuman - piracetam will help you make it a fact.

Install a turbocharger on your brain right now!

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